What Others Are Saying
John Ed Mathison - Retired Pastor, Frazer Memorial United Methodist Church "As a boy, there were innumerable times under the canopy of the Hartselle Camp Meeting when I felt the presence, power, and love of almighty God. My hope today is that the great tradition of the saints who preceded us will be extended to a new generation empowered to serve the Lord Jesus Christ in Spirit and in truth. Of course, in a larger sense, it is not mere tradition that we seek to serve. We want to become available to the reality of Him who came to overcome death and Hell as we take time away from busy schedules and strident responsibilities to spend productive moments listening for His guidance. Someone may ask, "Can God speak through 21st Century chaos and whisper His plans for me?" The answer is a resounding "Yes!" Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. So join us at the Hartselle Camp Meeting. Come away for an hour, a day, or the full week to meet your neighbors and friends there. And come expecting to have fellowship with the One who never fails to show up!" Dean Jones - Decatur native, Hollywood Actor & Renowned Speaker
There is nothing like the smell of the sawdust on the ground in the old Tabernacle, or the rustic look of an open-air pavilion in which to worship. The wooden benches and well-worn altar, coupled with the beautiful landscape of the Camp Meeting grounds, make it appealing to anyone to come and worship! As a perennial youth at the Hartselle Camp Meeting, I value the opportunity I had of coming and staying in the Boy's Dorm with my friends. It was in that environment that I first learned the meaning of true friendship. My prayer today is that you and your family will also come and join us at the old Hartselle Tabernacle!" Rob Cain - Hartselle Camp Meeting President, and Associate Pastor of Circlewood Baptist
"I have been involved with the Camp Meeting since I was a child. My parents and grandparents were involved with Camp Meeting and made sure that I attended. What a blessing this place has been for me over the years. I have so many great memories of camps over the last 45 years. I was saved under the Tabernacle when I was a young child. God has used this Camp to bring His Gospel to many souls. He has done so much over the years at this Camp; I now look forward to what God is going to do in the future! God has a plan for the Hartselle Camp Meeting Association and I am blessed to be a part of this new and exciting movement. I invite you to come and join us as we break new ground for the future of the Hartselle Camp Meeting." Ron Puckett - Morgan County Sheriff
"The Hartselle Camp Meeting is a delightful retreat into the past. Meeting under a wooden tabernacle still intact after all these many years, it is a brief respite from our busy and urban pressures. Now directed by Rob Cain, the camp is fast returning to it's earlier days when the benches were packed and the excitement abounded with hearty singing and fiery preaching. It is worth the effort to attend and those who have a heart and thirst for God will indeed be blessed." Junior Hill - Southern Baptist Evangelist "The annual Hartselle Camp Meeting is an ole-fashioned revival meeting that provides an opportunity for every member of the family to be challenged by the Word of God. Throughout its history, numerous people have experienced a life-changing encounter with a living Lord! You can be one of them."
Phil Waldrep - Author, Evangelist, Keynote Speaker, and Conference Director